Hi, for more than 2 weeks I have had horrible headaches and have felt nauseous 24/7. I m always dizzy and tired, having no energy to do anything. I also wake up every single night at least twice to have to pee, and it s always urgent. Just recently, the nausea started getting worse after I eat. Also, yesterday I started having a tough time breathing and today I have sharp stabbing pains in the mid part of my chest along with a painful coughing. I m only 19, weigh 120, and am 5 6. I went to the doctor last week and they took some blood work but haven t called back for the results yet. I do have a history of cancer though. I had a wilms tumor on my kidney when I was 18 months old and had to have my right kidney removed. I m not sure if that has anything to do with it though. I just wanna know whats exactly wrong cause I m tired of laying in bed because I m feeling horrible. Sometimes the nausea and dizziness is so bad that I can t even drive. Please help