Sir, My grandmother has been suffering from depression since past 2 months now.Symptoms -1. she doesnt walk properly, mostly needs support. Most of the time she s unconscious. She says that even she doesn t understand what she is doing. Now a days she is unable to bathe herself too.2. we keep asking her what is the problem or tension but she never shares. only avoids by saying that she is herself unaware of things happening around her.3. she doesn t feel like eating at all.4. she used to watch tv, nowadays she gets irritated by it.5. she drinks a lot of water but still her mouth is dry mostly that too keeps her tensed.6. we consulted physicians but there s no sign of any disturbance in the body. Her BP, sugar , blood count everything is normal.7. she feels weakness all the time. and wants to lie all the time.8. She thinks too much negative about everything.9. She thinks my mom dad are after her pension money. and doesn t trust anybody.While she is all secure in the house. Many years back alot of issues happened over money between dad and his brothers. But that was settled nothing after that. she is just overthinking.But we dont know how to cure her. How to make her happy as she was few months ago? :-(