hello. I am a 33 yr old male with chronic neck/jaw pain. i weigh 155 lb and am 5'8. The Pain has been present going on 4 yrs now and seems to be getting worse..ie ear pressure and constant popping. All this only on Rt side. I have seen dentists, tmj specialist(i wear a mouthgaurd every night), 3 ENT's, and physical therapy and am now seeing a neurologist. I have had 2 CT scans and multiple scopes of neck. All have come back with no result/or answer to explain this pain.
My neurologist just had a stellate nerve block performed with little result(did feel a little relief), last week and thinks that i should have another one performed ASAP. stating that the effect is greater the more you have(limit 4)?
I guess my question is that i am unable to get over the fear that they are missing something in the CT? is this a possibility? Should i inquire about having an MRI? is there any difference?
FYI..I also smoke marijuana before bed--lightly