I have a failed operation for grade 2 spondylolisthesis at the 4/5 Lumbar; which involved fusing three vertebrae L3-L5, Spinal Stenosis, and Severe Scoliosis. Two CT scans with contrast reveals that the Peroneus and/or Sciatica nerve root is being impinged on by an osteophyte that is pushing it against a pedicle screw first resulting in pain up to 10 on the common scale when I rotate through 45 degrees CCW from a prone position. Despite complaints to the surgeon, who dismissed it at a need for pain killer the pain increased for 8 months until it moderated into Drop Foot and peripheral nerve pain and cyanosis in the feet. I am getting a followup EMG next week, but it is obvious that I need an operation. My foot has withered somewhat but seemingly stabilized a bit. The pain has recently started climbing again and it is full time from 7-8. My belief is that the nerve developed some protection on its own because I learned how to move without severe impact giving it a chance to heal some. In addition to this the surgeon corrected my scoliosis and I am tilted 4 left causing severe stress on the opposing musculature. There are not a great deal of doctors here in Alaska who will follow up on my first surgeon, who is content to let me suffer. The style of structure used to correct the back is something not easily found so the Surgeon selected for a 2nd opinion will not do the work. First surgeon has been trying to distance himself from the whole issue and is not cooperative.