Hello.. Welcome to HCM.
I am Dr Jigar(ID specialist).
Chronic sinusitis is a really disturbing condition. Due to
nasal congestion and blockadge breathing becomes laborious and incomplete which lead to these king of symptoms.
If i would be your treating doctor then i would have done following things.
1- Detailed history of patient to have insight into causative or precipitating factors.
2- Radiological investigation preferably contrast CT of
3- Endoscopic evaluation and
biopsy for observing lesion and specimen for bacterial and fungal culture. Immunological tests for allergen must be done to prevent exposure to various allergens.
4- Treatment initially will be directed to suspected pathogen in form of antibiotics and symptomatic relief.
5- if after medical measures it is not relieved then ENT surgeon must be consulted and evaluation should be done for surgery.
6- Regarding
diet food allergen must be avoided.Only garlic has proven to be beneficial in chronic sinusitis by various studie. So it should be included in diet.
I hope i have answered your concern in best possible way. I will be glad to help you further.
Dr Jigar.