Hi Doctor, My 2 year old had a fever yesterday and I noticed cold sores around his mouth. I gave him tylenol and made sure to keep him hydrated. He was lethargic and didn t want to eat. At 4am in the morning, he wakes me up that his feet is hurting, I massage his feet until he falls asleep. By 6:30am in the morning, he has rash on his feet, his hands and face. A few hours later, he has rashes on his buttocks, his legs, waist and neck. He has two lesions or scab that look like ring worm, one on his hand and other on his leg oozing liquid (pus-like). I called his doctor s office but was told not to come him as I need to let the virus run it course. He is so uncomfortable and he is crying. Feeling helpless? Please advise