On Sat 9/17 I work up with a sinus bad headache,,, on Sun, my left ear felt like it was filling up and getting blocked, so I did an over the counter ear wax removal. The next day I had some mild ear pain and made an appt with my family Doc. He examined me and said I have a sinus infection. I had no mucus discharge, look in to nostrils and they were swollen. He checked ear, no ear wax and did not see and protrusion of ear indicating fluid build up! Only front top, under eye, back f head sinus pain and left ear stopped up with ear pain. The Doc gave me a script for flonase and amoxacillen. I was to take the flonase and after 2 or 3 days if it didn t seem to work, fill the script for the amox. The scrip was for flonase 1x in each nostril/day.(The Amox was 875mg 2x/day) I took the flonase and it seemed to relieve some of the pressure for about 8 hours but the pain was reallly bad. After taking it the 2nd day my face seemed like it was swollen (at night time 1.5days of flonase) and I filled the amox. Now my left side of my face is still swollen I do not have front sinus pain, but left eye is red and tearing constantly and does not shut tight completely. I have no prob with my right side. It is somewhat of a challenge to drink (left lips do not move as well. Can not alternate opening one with the other cloesd (back and forth). I can not raise my left eye brow. I do have full feeling in left side of face. I still have ear pain. I used to have tmj and I do have some now. I have ear pain below and behind my left ear lobe. I last took the flonase this morning about 7:30am. I started taking amox. last night (1st time) again this morning and I will take it again tonight. I have an appointment with my doc again tomorrow am. Thanks in advance. ...I am Diabetic controled well by diet. I have had 4 hear stents (3 proceedures . in 05,06, 08) bp is very well under control. I work out every day for approx 30 to 45 mins on treadmill and light weights. Have not had a fever or upset stomach of vomiting at all with this episode. Thanks in advance for your help..... D