Hi, I m in general good health- just much pain in knees, hips, shoulders and more recently feet. I m plagued by multi-level bulging disc at all 3 levels, my left shoulder dislocates easily-had right should repair for significant damage. Have bilateral inguinal hernias & told I need bilateral knee and possibly hip replacements. Have thought for decades (though scoffed at by Ortho Drs) that having wrestled initiated an inflammatory response. Cutting 30+ lbs, I believe put me in keto-acidosis, wrestling being an anaerobic sport produces lactic acidosis plus starving = no antioxidants, all while growing. I believe these factors collectively damaged my body. I maintain a fit weight, diet & exercise (as can) yet recent heart scan indicates CAD so concerned about Cox 2 I. I would be concerned about taking corticosteroids for obvious reasons. I have a hx of mild/controlled diastolic Htn and very ctrl choelesterol. Neg RA, CRP WNL but seems more than OA to me. I gave up going to Drs regarding this because just told it must be OA but they are perplexed how so much damaged could have occurred. I have significant atropy in my left quad/buttocks/hamstring areas but 2 seperate EMGs yielded 2 different results. I also have extreme RLS @ night mostly in my left quad. I have intermittent mild burning senstion in mid-soles. FBS and 1 A1C WNL. My testosterine levels were low and I give myself test. injections q 10 days and are now normal. My growth hormone has been low but I stopped that due to expense/coverage. I have slight hypothyroidism and take Levothyroxine. An endocronologist I was seeing, believed that some head trauma I collectively experienced led to some hypopituitaryism due partially malfunctioning of my hypothalmus. I ve had to give up all sports and activities except walking and light cycling. Though people often remark how fit I look, even functional activities/ADL have become difficult. I m always in pain but no one but my girlfriend knows. Except for a mild limp I apparently have and a somewhat deformed left knee there are no visable signs. I would highly appreciate any thoughts you may have. Thank you. Greg