First of all I want to tell you that
water pill is not able to get rid of fluid in lungs.
Now you mentioned that there is fluid in the lungs ( means both ) and
pneumonia ( left side ) .
There is pain in the left shoulder as well as pain in the same arm .
Whenever there is
pleurisy , it causes pain in the concerned joint due to irritation over diaphragm ( of the concerned side).
As you also mentioned that there is weakness as well as no energy .
All these symptoms may be due to , these reasons , these includes.
Tuberculosis as this is the most common cause of
pleural effusion ( pleurisy ) . Diagnosis can be confirmed by
X ray chest as well as blood examination for C B C, E S R , sputum for AF B.
When such patient visit in my clinic I at once advise for drain of fluid from lung ( as in your case left side ) . Advised for culture and sensitivity examination of drained ( aspirated ) fluid.
Usually tuberculosis is the main cause but some times cancer may be the cause of such pleurisy ( rarely ) , as if blood present in aspirated fluid , we suspect as cancer .
Shortness of breath, lack of energy , pain in shoulder, pain in lung all are due to pleural effusion.
So consult another physician and get his opinion as early as possible.