Pain in groins, loosing hair, belching, flatus, burning in mouth
I am 45, high 165 cm,72 kg, divorced, no children. I am working in office.
It starts in October 2009, I was sick. It was during one night. I had upset my stomach,
I had problems of often belching. I cured it by diet no spicy, no fat, no sugar.
But I did not help. I visited doctor and I had an endoscopy of stomach. I used to pantoprazole 40 mg. I started problem with flatulency and loosing my hears. My hears are more thiner. It seems that I lost muscles. My groins hurt. I have feel something as warm in my mouth. This burning feeling is not going from stomach, it is only in my mouth. It is as high temperature in my mouth. Sometimes I feel taste of food in my stomach in 3 hours after food. I had other checkup, all is negative, I am not menopause, my thyroid gland is ok.