Good Afternoon, CURRENT RX: Testosterone Cypionate 100 mg/ ml 5 ml i.m. weekly Anastrozole 1mg i p.o. TID Furosemide 80 mg i p.o. BID Experiencing painful Acne on back and face. Does not look infected, ie. pussy, is red and painful and origin seems to be from within. Skin is kept clean and Ph balanced. Have tried Benzol Peroxide 10%, must I move to a more invasive treatment, i.e., Clindamacin 4 % home compound cream, Hydrocortisone 2%, Bethamethasone, or is there something that can Assist Healing rather than harshly treat Acne ? This is of course a temporary situation, that amount of Test will be reduced to 150 mg. i.m. weekly and Estrogen Inhibitor will be discontinued, after weight gain has been produced. Thank You for you time and energy. PS My name is Matt Bishop.