Hello, I am 24 year old woman with very irregular heavy menstrual cycles and a mother who has thyroid issues as well as irregular heavy flows. Recently, just earlier this year, I have been using birth control pills to control and regulate my menstrual cycles. For three months my periods came every month, ONCE a month shorter and lighter. Starting last month I forgot a few pills, threw out the ones I forgot and carried on with my pack. I had my expected period for that month, however two weeks later I had yet another one. The only problem is this period has yet to stop. It started off light, I assumed it was just spotting and gave no concern. Just this week the bleeding has gotten significantly heavier with a horrendous odor. I am currently using the largest size tampon I can find, which is ULTRA. The bleeding has gotten so bad that I go through one in less than an hour. The mentioned tampon holds up to 15-18 grams of blood. I have been experiencing abdominal pain and tried to take ibuprofen to ease the cramping. I have called different gynecologists in hopes of making an appointment as soon as possible however, I was sadly told that the only available appointments they had were a week-two weeks from now. I am trying to remain calm as the odor and bleeding have become so foul and so heavy I ve become embarrassed to leave the bathroom.