Hello, I am a 36 year old African American female. I have been having issues with heavy bleeding. I bleed constantly with maybe 1-2 day breaks. I want to have a child before I decide to have a hysterectomy. About 2 weeks ago, my hemoglobin was at a 7.0 and I went to the emergency room because I felt awful. The ER doctor prescribed me Norethindrone 10mg twice a day for 20 days. I have taken this medication before and it has stopped the bleeding immediately mostly, but I can remember taking it a few years ago and it did nothing at all. Now, I am scared to go back on them because I have been trying to detox my system of medication all together. I guess my question is, does this medication cause any sterility in women? I would hate to take it and it cause more issues. I was diagnosed with PCOS last year and believe this is the reason for my heavy and prolonged bleeding. I am in the process of trying to lose weight, but my husband is getting very impatient for sexual activity and is even thinking of cheating. I need some help fast :(