hi doctor am deb from india 24yrs old staying in bhubaneswar,orissa. am suffering from hepatitis jaundise since september 2009. my bilirubin came to normal after a month but got high to 4.6 just after 15 days. after consulting doctor i was under mediacation and my bilirubin level was coming down very slowly. i performed a blood test about a 15 days ago and the bilirubin was 1.11. but the problem now is am feeling very week,sometimes my brain is hanging, headswing, not feeling to have food, little fever, and could not concentrate in any work. actaully am a student of MBA and have to attend classes daily for more than 8 hours every day, exams every month so have to study latenight. i was on boiled diet for 6 months and just since last month am having food with little oil. i am having medicine like udiliv 300, liv 32 cyrup. am feeling now that my bilirubin level has got high again. feeling very tensioned about it and could not study for exam. i just want to what actually has happened to me. why my bilirubin level in not coming to normal level.is that my liver got damaged.please help me. i am mentally worried and my parents are worried too.please help so that i can lead my normal life again.