I am a 40 year old woman. I am obese. I have high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, high cholesterol, arthritis, and migrains. My neck has been a little stiff for the past two day. Not uncommon, this comes and goes. The main cause of migraines for me. This afternoon I felt like I have a pinched nerve in my upper back between the shoulder blades. I laid down to take a nap to see if my back would relax, after about and hour I awoke with severe pain in my diaphragm and chest. I feel like a fist has been pushed through my diaphragm and is squeezing my heart. Pain is now wraped around my whole chest. This tightness stayed for over two hours. I tried changing positions but this did not help. It is now three hours later and the pain is not as bad but still there, it comes on strong and then releases. I have three young kids at home and just myself. I don't want to go to the ER and be told it is nothing but back strain or something else non-emergency. I had a ekg and a stress test done in November and everything was fine.