52 year old male: Taking Hydrochloride XL BuPROPion 150mg/24 hours, 32mg Atacand for high blood pressure, Vascepa 1g, Alendronate 70mg, 20 mg of Simvastatin, Welbutrun, prescription strength calcuim, B12. Diagnosed with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, oteopenia secondary to stress fracture in right hip (doesn t hurt anymore), now left hip and groin discomfort, carpule tunel in both wrist, shoulder discomfort, fatigue, insomnia, severe anxiety and depression (bouts of hysterical crying - almost daily - for no apparent reason, other than just an overwhelming sadness. Could there be an adverse reaction of the above listed medications interacting with each other. Doctors only recommend that I exercise more. At the end of my rope