Hello and thank you for using HCM.I carefully read your question and I understand your concern.You shoud not worry .I'll try to explain you something and give you my opinion.
You should know that normal
heart rate ranges between 50-100 beat for minute.When it exceed 100 beat for minute whith normal
sinus rhythm we call it
sinus tachycardia.
Heart frequencies between 80-90 are qiute normal during normal activity.
Someone might experience sinus tachycardia during an emotional
stress, during physical activity and this is also normal.
There are also some pathologyes like
hyperthyroidism or active infections that might be responsible for sinus tachycardia.
So if you have a heavy cycle you have to chek your blood for posible anemia.
If you have a long hystory of cough it might be a possible
bronchitis that keeps your heart frequency high.
Also it is quite known that people whith mitral prolapse might have occasionally rhythm issues.
But to decide what is tha cause and how to deal with it, if I was the treating doctor I will recommend some examination like an electrocardiogram, a full blood analyze to exclude anemia, hyperthyroidism, active infections.
Also I will recommend a holter rhythm monitoring to see what happens with your rhythm during day and night.
Only after this we can judge if it is necesary to treat anything.
Hope I was helpful.Wish you good health.
Best regards.