I currently have three areas on my mons that are leaking blood. They were leaking pus a couple days ago. I have been told by my PCP that I had cellulitis (six months and maybe 15 occurrences since then). She did an I&D on one, cultured (normal vaginal flora) it gave me an antibiotic and referred me to a gyn. They looked at it, said cellulitis, but did a culture and a herpes test. Again normal flora and neg on the HSV. I wash with a mesh bathing sponge and Hibiclens. I do wear underwear at night. I have not been taking sitz baths recently (stopped after the third or fourth episode, when they just kept happening. I do have Type 2 Diabetes (last A1c was 5.3). My sugars have gone up and I am having hot flashes again, but no fever. (This is even though menopause ended months ago) How do I make this stop???