Hi, I m not one to be concerned about colds and minor illnesses, but on Friday I had a rear molar extracted that had been causing me some trouble,(I had a filling put in 2 weeks before which had caused pain and tingling to the side of my face that travelled to my arm just on the right side) and as I could not afford root canal and a crown I opted for extraction. Not 3 hours after the extraction I came down with cold type symptoms, blocked nose, slight earache, cough, phlegm, etc. This seemed to have peaked yesterday as I began to feel a bit better. However, today, I have been feeling sick, vomiting, and a slight pain in my ear is now complete hearing loss in my right ear, combined with tingling and numbness in the right side of my face from my eye, across my cheek to my chin and ear. The sudden onset of these symptoms have me a bit worried, what is the best course of action, should I ride it out until I can get to my GP on Thursday, or do something sooner? Kind regards Sarah