i had ruptured ear 1 month back immediately after the injury wothin 30 hrs i visited ENT (MS) who had give me Gelfoam supprot so as to heal, he asked me to meet after 1 week& was suggested LYSER-D Tab along with Tab Taxim,.... after 1 week when i meet him ...he removed 3-4 Gel foam from my ear... and suggested me CANDIBIOTIC EAR DROP , and said dnt worry it will heal on its own ..... but when i used candibiotic i had severe ear burng and ear pain and went off by itself ,,,,,when i apparoached the Doctor he suggested me Flucanazole Tab for day ...i have used it..... still i am unable to hear and have ECHO in my ear kindly suggest .....i am very much worried......its been one month the Injiury its not healed