I am a 57 year old female diagnosed with mono April 3. Prior to that, I was very active, running 40 miles/week, and running for over 33 years. By April 6, my white blood cell count was back to normal. Since then, I have had periods of weeks when I felt relatively good, as well as periods, as i am in now, when I am fatigued, sore throat, sleep 10 hours/night, no activity, etc. I have had more blood work done to rule out thyroid, B vitamin deficiency, etc. I teach health, so feel confident is saying that I eat a relatively healthy diet high in fruits, vegetables, etc., take a daily multivitamin, B-12, and calcium. I would have thought I would be better by now, but this current "relapse" has been the almost the worst, with the exception of not having a consistent sore throat. Is there anything I can do to help me recover from this frustrating malady besides the things I am doing now?