Hello dear
I understand your concern
It could be a lower
urinary tract infection/
I would suggests to undergo physical examination and urine routine and microscopy to rule out the infection by consulting the gynecologist.
Doctor will give following advises:
Tablet septran DS
Tablet nitrozolium and pyridium
Syrup cital
Wash the vagina with warm salted water and then apply apple cidar vinegar
Maintain pelvic hygiene by applying Vagisil cream
Wear pure cotton loose under garment and keep the area clean and dry
Drink plenty of water and juice of cranberry, orange and pine apple
Do not delay in empty the bladder and empty the bladder completely.
Take healthy diet and do regualr exercise.
Maintain pelvic hygiene before and after sex.
Repeat the urine test after completion of treatment.
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar