66 year old male pain in abdomen located at left side front beltline, pain centered about an inch below and 6 inches to the left of my naval. 243 pounds, 5'10", obese belly. just returned on Nov 23 from California desert camping at Cargo Muchacho Mtns, near Yuma, AZ. At desert camping I had very mild headach and loose brown stools, starting after group "potluck dinner" a few days when camping in desert there, but after Thanksgiving here in San Diego, stools got solid but very soft and brown color, and headach got worse during Thanksgiving day, and a mild pain about diameter of a silver dollar has become more tender and getting worse. Pain level was about 1-2 yesterday with temp 97.7 deg F, now pain 2-3 with temp 98.7 deg F. If sleeping on right or left side or stomach, or sitting position, I can position myself to get pain down to almost zero, but sleeping on back causes pain to increase, and any muscle movement or finger pressure around the affected area causes pain to increase to about 7 level. My appendix burst about Nov 2009, and removed by micro surgery about Mar 2010, so cannot be appendicitus.
Gall stones perhaps? Kidney stones perhaps? Desert Fever or aomeba in colon perhaps? Had colonoscopy about 5-10 years ago, clean as a whistle then, no pollups or cancers. Any ideas?