I have a multitude of symptoms and can't find anyone to look at all of them. My lab work doesn't seem to be leading doctors anywhere yet. I have petechiae on my earlobes intermittently, especially when I'm going to be sick or am extremely stressed. Sometimes it shows up elsewhere too. I have extremely heavy menstrual cycles, which are every 3 weeks, not four. I was diagnosed with severe food allergies ten years ago, but can't afford new testing (and I know your allergies can shift). I have the symptoms of hypothyroid, but my initial test shows that I'm in the normal range. I am fatigued, even when I am regularly exercising. I have a hard time not being overweight, though I eat well and am active. Could this be an autoimmune issue, a thyroid one, a blood disorder, a bunch of things. Who should I go and see? My resources are limited, so I want to use them as wisely as possible.