Hello. I woke up last night with diarrhea, cold sweats and finally heavy chills. I felt a bit nauseous but did not throw up. After eventually settling, I thought I had food poisoning -- I had eaten a salad in the Prets chain. I seemed better this morning and a good part of the day although it did not completely lift. I felt tired around 4 pm and woke up feeling deeply chilled again around 5 pm. The question is whether this is something that needs medical attention or can be left another night. I have adult onset diabetes, runs in the family, today my sugar was 151 whereas it s been 105-110 for some weeks now I feel like i have a slight fever now. Last July 4 I was admitted with Cryptogenic Pneumonia and spent about a month in the hospital. Hope you can advise me about going to the ER. Thanks, Kathy Brown