Dear doctor,
My age 28 , I had masturbation from age of 20 to 24 in that I had lost my sperm strength, at that time I have pain in spinal for 2 to 3 months and tiredness, on that time I started yoga and meditation good relief because of it , now also I am continuing yoga , now I feel normal with out yoga there no life for me, I felt by yoga and deep meditation itself we can cure this problem so I did not take any medicine, it slowly reduced my sperm quantity ,and my testis is differ from one another ups and down, my left testis goes down and there is flesh part in down side and upper side of left testis there is no pain its look reddish.
problem facing, sperm release automatically while sleeping when I take ice-cream, and once or twice in month., sperm is watery, not proper erection , very low sex desire, I feel there is no sperm, pennies always dry, What is my stage in this problem. what about my testis problem doctor.