8months ago I had an Emergency caesarean, although I had specifically said
I did not want any needles in my spine and if i were to end up having a caesarean
just to knock me out. anyhow three spinals were tried all three failing the
highest positioned one hit a nerve that shot to my knee. after the surgery I could
not feel my left leg properly nor lift it. I could stand on it but any other
movement was minimal.
I also noticed that I could only feel my bladder full when my caesarean wound started
hurting more and i would also experience a pain on the right hand side of my neck but
never my bladder.
my second night post surgery I experience severe pain in my lower right hand side of
my abdomen and I couldn't move either of my legs bloods were done and infection was
very high so stronger anti biotics were prescribed. next morning i got the feeling in
my left leg back but both legs were swollen and i still had little movement in my
right leg.
6weeks every doctor said and everything will be back to normal.
An MRI was performed to check my spinal cord 12 days after the caesarean for any
damage because my leg still wouldn't move properly and no abnormalities were found.
Three weeks after delivery I stood up at home and the membrane sack "fell" out, they
had not been removed in surgery! suddenly I felt my right leg kind of "bubble" inside
as if there was blood flow going back through it and I could lift it! it moved
properly although I was unsteady and it did still give way like it had been doing for
the past three weeks I did not have to physically pick it up to get up stairs which
was a blessing. but still because I had no balance or real stability I was reffered to
a neurologist, who sent me to a different hospital for electromyography test
( i think that's the right word), which also came back no damage. So as far as the
hospital is concerned there's nothing wrong with my leg. although I need a walking
stick to walk with when i do not have the baby in the pram and I still fall over and my
balance is impaired on average I stumble about 9 times a day and fall actually to the
floor twice a week.
I still have pain in my stomach from the second night in hospital 8months on.
I weakly regained some feeling to my bladder 4months after delivery, although no
incontinence occurred nobody ever enquired as to why I couldn't feel my bladder and
why I could only tell if i needed to go was when my neck hurt, because after my wound
healed it obviously didn't hurt any more for me to know that way also when my bladder was particularily full
my leg seemed to drag behind me and was heavier.
The underneath "inside" my foot feels numb and I cannot move my toes properly it seems
like a delayed reaction snd sometimes they do not move at all when I want them too
I do sometimes get a feeling of that im almost getting cramp in my calf muscle
jsut a small circle behind and underneath my knee but it never kicks it. and I still get a shooting
pain down my thigh to my knee when the spinal needle touched a nerve.
Is there any other kind of test I should ask for or some kind of rehabilitation for me? as I am
slowly losing faith that I will regain my leg as every medical proffesion I have seen so
far dont really see it to be a big issue