hello there i would love you to help me as i am about out of my mind with stress over this . about 6 weeks ago i started with a sharp pain in my left pelvic area its there most of the day on and off dose not hurt if i work out at the gym or with movment ,it dose hurt a little if i open my bowels or push down ,hurts more when i am sitting also. i am so scared to get a scan done as i am sure its going to be ovarian cancer i cant think of anything else. i have had 2 days now were i feel the pain is a little better and just hurts more when i went to the toilet today.i have been told i may gave ibs i do have a lot of strange noise in my tummy a while after eating and i have to somtime run fast to the toilet more so on a morning. i am 33 mom of 2 children 1 i lost 11 years ago due to strep b,also in my pregnanct i have a very large ovarian cyst taken away also on the left side ,all was ok when that was taken away thanks so much mrs burlinson