I fell on my ankle very badly a few hours ago. The way I fell was ankle to the outside, foot turned inward, and all of my weight came down on it. I had severe pain at first, then it turned into moderate aching but able to walk on it (limping a bit). I thought it was nothing major but then I noticed a few hours later that my ankle feels loose - almost slipping out - and my foot is bending inward far/more than normal when I move it. Feels like whatever normally holds it in place is overstretched. Also noticed a bruise and a lot of swelling. On the bony bump on the outer part of the ankle, there s swelling that looks like half of a tennis ball, and the ankle is very swollen in general. My mother says it s nothing and that if it were serious I wouldn t be able to put any weight on it, but I m very worried because it is so swollen and feels very unstable. Do I need to see a doctor today? Should I wait and see? How do I know if I tore something and if so what do I need to do? I wish I could post a picture. It basically looks like I have no ankle because of the swelling - looks like my calf just goes straight down go my foot. Thank you!!!