I’m a type 2 diabetic and I’m on Junuvia and Metformin. My glucose level runs around 170, last A1c was down from 9 to 7.8 due to I Have been taking Januvia for the last 18 months. I also take Simvastatin, Benazpril, Amplodopine, Chantix, and Xanax which I’ve taken for over 3 years. I now take Finesteride and Alfozosin as I had a distended bladder and enlarged prostate. Presently I had a sudden onset of shoulder pain generally in 1 or 2 directions with some minor restricted movement. I was told it was bursitis. It has caused some tension and minor discomfort in the neck and surrounding area. I refused a corizone shot and now 2 months later my right hand has suddenly become swollen that you can’t see the outline of my knuckles on the back of my hand. My wrist and hand are in pain. I also have pain in arm, not the elbow, but between the wrist and elbow and elbow and shoulder. Ice helps to cause the hand to get better faster usually 2 days. Also my left hand which was diagnosed years ago with carpal tunnel had flared up to become numb and tingles. All this happened around the same time period. Could this be side effect of medicine? Could this be sugar related?