Hello Doctor, Since I lost my mom last year, I have been having this panic attack in the night like jumping up from sleep and my heart will be racing fast. Sometimes when I drink cold drinks, I have shortness of breath which goes away when I take inhaler. My mother died of kidney and heart failure so that is my phobia that it may happen to me so I find it hard to sleep at night, and when I do sleep, I will always jump up gasping for breath. I experienced heartburn a month ago, I was told it was ulcer, I treated it and the heartburn stopped. But I need this panic attack to stop and also shortness of breath after drinking cold drinks. I suffered pneumonia when I was a kid, is it the problem with my shortness of breath? A doctor told me I have asthma in 2006, but for more than four years since 2011, I have never had an attack except after my mom s demise. Please what can I do? Am always afraid to read about people s death or sickness in the news. What is wrong with me?