Well come to HCM
I really appreciate your concern, it is very difficult to advise you something with the little information given here still I am trying my best to helps you,,, left side abdomen contains many organs, like descending gut,
spleen, kidney,
ureter, part of
small intestine part of bladder, and in female
fallopian tube, uterus, all these needs to be examine for changes due to disease or infection.
If this is the
chronic pain and you had done all the investigations and all that are negative then it may not be any serious condition then it must be due to some nonspecific reasons.
If no tests done up till now then better to get done all the imaging studies, underlying cause and the exact site of pain is matter of concern along with this basis information also matters the great like age and gender and that is not being given here, collection of fluid may not be the reason for the pain unless it is being proved, most of the time it could be functional kind of pain due to
anxiety and
depression, it could be IBS, you can discuss this with your doctor.
hope this information helps.