Hi my 3 year old daughter started a fever this past Sunday. Her fevers have been constant every 4 hours ranging from 103.6 to 104.7. On Monday and Tuesday lab work was done for her twice and all came back normal, urine, blood, flu, strep. She was applied to rosephen shots. She shows no signs of vomit nor diharrea. She has however complained of abdominal pain. Tuesday night she was hospitalized for persistant fever without origin. At the hospital they performed an utlrasound to check for apendicitis, and again ultrasound was normal. Wednesday after noon she was referred with an infectious disease pediatrician. He completed a full physical check up, and determined she probably has a really strong virus causing her fever. He did noticed she was a bit congested, but otherwise said that she would proabably continue with her fever for about 3 more days. I m extremely concerned, today marks 5 days with her non stop fever. She has had virus in the past and the usually cause either vomit or diarrhea. But never has one lasted more than 2-3 days. Please help.