Thanks for your query.
Planter fascitis is a very typical problem.
The probable treatment which helps all my patients and can help you too are:
-First of all get the proper medical treatment with the following.
Anti-inflammatory tablets like
Ibuprofen and
serratiopeptidase. We need to add something that can open the lymphatic channels to the fluid in the planter area to be reabsorbed by the body so reduce the edema and reduce the pain and problem.
-We do advise additional oral
steroids if you are not diabetic.
-Frusemide too helps.
-In some selected patient local injection of the steroids can help a lot.
-The best treatment without any complications is:
Put the feet in the warm water saturated with common salt.
Elevate the legs above the heat level in laying down position.
Use soft footwear.
No high heals or any shoes which are fancy.
All these measures can help you the most. and you may be asymptomatic for lifetime.