Hi doc! My father was diagnosed with prostatomegaly grade 1 with concretions. He had undergone PSA test and digital rectal examination last month. PSA test shows 6.2 while the impression in full abdominal ultrasound is about 30grams. Urinalysis and culture shows no infection despite him having difficulty in urination. At 78, he is diabetic and hypertensive but the urologist who had seen him suggests that a biopsy would still be the best option in my father s case. However, due to the complications and invasiveness it will do considering my father s condition, I have hesitations as to push through with the procedure because of its after effect.. On the other hand, a part of me wants him to undergo biopsy based on my father s family history, symptoms and digital rectal exam impression. As this is the case, I d like to know if there are other possible tests (ultrasound etc.) to verify the gravity of his condition (bph or prostate cancer). Appreciate your response soonest. Thank you. Concerned daughter