Hello, I am a 21 year old female.... When I was 19 I had a bad dose of, viral meningitis.... At this time I had a sore rash on my right bum cheek, which looked like a bad burn, it was very sore and itchy, at first the doctors thought, this was the cause of my illness like a bad reaction to a bite, but after blood tests and a lumba puncture, they put the rash down to being run down. Several months, after I left hospital, this rash came back, I was worried, that I may need to go to hospital again, but I was not ill. The rash however, drove me crazy, it itched and burned and looked like a bad burn, I went to the Doctos and they told me, it was due to being 'run down' ( as I had being suffering from depression)... Then the rash came again, but it was worse and lasted longer, my skin bubbles, like puss filled blisters.... Then, I got this exact same rash on my chest... I went to the doctor and he said it was a type of eczema. I have used cream perscribed to me for Eczema, but the rash keeps, on coming back, almostly monthly now, and it is begining to scar my skin, which I am really worried about, for if it spreads, anywhere else... Please could you help me?