I am 20 years old, and have Addison s Disease. Recently I have had rapid heart rate, orthostatic hypertension, petachie spots, fatigue, mood swings, pain in legs, head aches...etc What is most concerning is the high heart rate, it stays in the 80 s at the least at rest. And it is very difficult to get up after sitting, my heart starts racing and pumping harder. Here are some blood test results: at 12:27 PM WBC 4.0L RBC 4.92 Hemoglobin 16.4 Hematocrit 47.5 MCV 96.6 MCH 33.4 MCHC 34.6 RDW 12.1 Platelets 178 Neutrophuls 41.9 Lymphs 43.6 Monocytes 10.3 Eos 3.5 Basos 0.7 Neutrophils (Absolute) 1.70 Lymphs (Absolute) 1.7 Monocytes (absolute) 0.40 Eos (Absolute) 0.2 Baso (Absolute) 0.00 eGFR - unable to calculate due to inappropriate age/gender/creatinine value glucose 76 BUN 14 creatinine 0.9 sodium 138 potassiu, 4.5 chloride 102 carbon dioxide 28 calcium 9.7 protein 7.1 albumin 4.1 globulin 3.0 bilirubin 3.0 alkaline phosphatase 49 AST 13 vitamin b12 487 CT scan recently done with no tumor on adrenals, adrenals actually couldn t be seen due to my lack of fat they say. I take 0.1 fludrocortisone and 30mg hydrocortisone. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you.