Hello and welcome to HCM.
In your case, if the rash has started only recently and during
pregnancy, it is most probably related as itching is quite a common complaint. Pregnancy also causes your body to react differently to certain substances.
But do try and recall if there were any factors such as outdoor activity, footwear, food intake, cosmetic application etc that could have triggered a reaction. Swelling of your feet may also cause the skin to become itchy.
Also it may increase as you near the end of your pregnancy.
If you have had any previous allergies, avoid those items
Apply a
mometasone cream lightly over itchy areas once daily whenever itching is most. you may apply calamine or a soothing menthol lotion 2-3 times a day.
Take a weeks course of Levocet or
fexofenadine tablets once at night.
If the itching is very severe , rashes are spreading, or you develop fever,etc.,
consult a dermatologist and blood tests maybe done if necessary.
Avoid any
self medication. Don't scratch the area.
Hope this helps you.