I have a hernia by my navel, C..T. done, was told it is fatty hernia, I also have pain in right side, just under or close to under ribcage. was told C.T showed inflamed stomach, am on liquids for that for now. I do feel more pain in rt. than on left where stomach is, Do not know if could be related to ascending or descending colon. Have had 18in of colon removed in 2000, gall bladder in 2002 , hernia in rt groin 2004, cist in cervix in 2004. Have had 2 bouts with pancreas one was aprox 2 yrs ago was in hospital my count was over 6 th, DR thought I was going to have to have surgery. had it again in feb. 2013 spent 12 days on liquids and brat diet did not have to go to hospital. concerned about hernia, feel need it fixed asap, so it will not get worse. YOU ARE A RIP OFF LIED SAID WAS FREE