My son, age 33suffers from major dispression with psychotic features,acid reflux, seizure disorder (0 in 7 years), severe Osteoporosis, scoliosis, and is Intellectual delayed. He takes: Omeprozola 40mg, Iamotrgine-75mg in am & 75mg in pm, SeroguelXR -800mg in pm, Forteo 20mcg in pm, Vitamin D3-3000mg in am, fish oil in am and Calcium Carbonate 500mg in am & 500 mg in pm. His Psychologist just started him on Viibryd, 5mg for 7 days, increased to 10mg. He is complaining of having headache and in bed all day. Says he was tired. I am concerned about this new medicine since he takes so much and I noticed him mouth moving a little.