Hello, here is my concern. Let me tell you, I am a HYPOCHONDRIAC to the max. Been so since I was 16 and I am now 23. My anxiety is really really bad and I do not take medication for it. I am a 23 year old white male. I have had alot of random anxiety symptoms from being lightheaded to feeling nauseous all the time. Here is my current problem or disease that I am focused on, since I tend to worry and go from disease to disease. When I was like 12 years old I noticed a lump on my right testicle (the bottom - not the epididyms side i dont think). Sometimes its harder, and sometimes its soft (like a water balloon feeling)...Its soft after or during if I take a bath or shower or something. And when my scrotum is not relaxed and soft what not, that testicle i can say is maybe shaped like a peanut? but not quite misshaped as bad as that. Now I went to my doctor when I was like 16 (I think this may have started my anxiety).. My doctor checked my testicles with like some sort of light in the dark, said it was or wasnt fluorescent? Whatever the better one is. He sent me to get an ultra sound anyway. The DR found nothing? So im freaking out thinking they missed something, or didnt go over the right part of the testicle. I was later told I have varicoceles veins in my scrotum on my left testicle, and like spermatocele or hydrocele on the right? Now this soft mass is planted on my testicle, not to the side of it, or next to it. That testicle is larger than the left (varicocele one). I know that it says that is common with that, but here is some more of my problem. I have been getting random back pains, stomach cramps, bloating, light abdominal pains, ive been going to sleep early, and have been very tired for the last week or two. Now ill explain real quick what may contribute to those things. I am an ironworker and did some heavy work over the weekend and last week, dont know if my back is getting pains from that. I ate fast food saturday, 4 hours later, i was on the toilet with diahrea for like 5 hours and had bad bloating cramps and strange pains. And i have gotten no sleep the last few days because I was fishing in upstate NY waking up at 4 am both days, and drove 4 hours to get there and back over the weekend. Now I am very scared I have testicular cancer and that it has spread to my stomach and or lungs and my anxiety is making me go crazy, not sure if thats causing the random pains and sensations in my body. Both testicles feel the same as they did years ago. Same one bigger than other, soft mass on bottom of right, and varicoceles on the left. I would greatly, greatly appreciate a reply from you.
Thank You --- Mark