Hi. I am chronically ill, with a multitude of symptoms in the past two years. I came down with what I thought was viral illness and severe fatigue in 2015, and never recovered. I have been plagued with weakness, exercise intolerance, migraines, nausea, abdominal pains, tingling in the arms/hand at times, heat/cold intolerance, chemical sensitivities, heart palps, pericarditis, neck pain, back pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, high blood pressure/fast pulse at times, scalp pain, rashes at times, itchy ankles, visual issues (despite normal vision exam), lower than normal base temp, swollen glands at times, brain fog, neuro symptoms-memory issues, etc. There are more symptoms, but I can t remember everything at the moment.. Quality of life has plummeted severely. I have had many tests done and am not sure of the root of this. My t cells were recently tested and result was 529. My brain MRI showed small spots on the frontal lobe, I believe, and it was thought to be vascular changes. What does all of this sound like? And what conditions should I have ruled out? I am open to any and all ideas! Thanks.