Following 5 years of hip pain and 3 exploratory/cleaning operations I finally had hip resurfacing 2 years ago. All was well and I was pain free until I had knee realignment surgery. After the surgery I had a bad fall landing from the height of a chair directly onto the resurfaced hip. Since then I have had pain which is slowly getting worse. The hospital have x-rayed the joint and done an ultrasound and there is no fracture, no metal in the blood tests, no sign of inflammation / bursitis, no infection. I have had 6 months of strong painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication, 6 weeks of ultrasound therapy and physio and still it gets worse. I have pain when I try to lift my leg and if I lie flat in bed I have intense pain from the front of the hip radiating into the thigh. If I bend down and stand up there is a sensation of grinding which is very unpleasant and after walking a short distance I start to limp heavily and almost have to drag my leg. The pins placed in my knee are slightly visible and I have no sensation in the side of my lower leg, I asked if this could be the problem but have been told it s not an issue but I am hoping to get them removed soon just in case. The hip doctors seem to think it is just muscle ache from the realignment surgery and that it will just go so I feel that they are not taking my pain seriously, their only suggestion at the moment is taking stronger and stronger pain medications.