For the past three - four years I have what we thought was CD and UC, I have IBS, too. But within the past few some different symptoms I have been having really started to get bad, and when I looked it all up, it says I have Fibromyalgia. I line up with all the symptoms of this. I have had depression in the past (really bad PPD), I have anxiety now, completely exhausted all the time, trouble falling to sleep, constantly moving in my sleep, physically cannot get out of bed in the morning (it s a work out), all of my joints and around the joints hurt in my body, (I ve been trying to walk more and use KT tape, but neither work and my pain is increasing by the day), I get weird tingling sensations randomly (almost like the falling asleep pins and needles feeling ) I have always had terrible migraines. For the past almost year now, my memory is gone and I can t focus at all, honestly, my husband gets frustrated with me and it gets me in trouble at work. Any input?