Hi, I twisted my knee a year ago while trying to grab my dog from running out of the front door....there was a ledge and I twisted it falling down. I went to the urgent care and they did an xray and found nothing. They gave me something tramadol and an anti inflammatory. They said if it still hurts in a week, come back in. It was fine for a few months until I was at work and twisted it A LITTLE and now it hurts even more. I cannot walk up or down stairs (even movie theater stairs, I could not walk afterwards) or bend it in the slightest. I m not sure what to do, my doctor isn t worried about it but I can hardly do simple things that I used to. Since I work on my feet bending and standing and walking around all day with both of my jobs, I need this problem fixed before it gets worse and I cannot work. I also cannot dance anymore and I think I am losing strength in my leg. I am confused on what to do....how should I treat this?