hello, my name is Kristian. I m concerned about my friend Aaron. He s been seen at many different facilities and they can t seem to figure out what exactly is wrong with him. He s lost over 50 lbs in just 6 months time. He s expierincing a severe pain in his rib cage well like now its just like a burning and pressure feeling pushing up towards his ribs. and his throat always feels pasty like hard to swallow cant keep hydrated, exhausted, fatigue, and headaches. They ve told him that it s gastritis. And he has an enlarged spleen though inflammation of the stomach esophagus intestine.... He said that smoking weed is the only thing that helps, but when he lays down, or smokes, he said that it pulses. I want a proper diagnosis for him. I m so scared, and I know that he is as well. Sometimes men are just stubborn, and I would love to figure out what s going on with him. I understand that is a lot of different symptoms. But maybe you could figure something out. It would be greatly appreciated. He just had his 22nd birthday. He s such a great person, and this is really holding him back.