I was diagnosed some years ago with fibromyalgia. Was prescribed Lyrica, but the side effect were too much for me. I ve been since trying to manage the pain when it flares up. Recently I suffered with tendinitis in my left foot and have been receiving pain shots up until about a week ago. Now it seems since I have stopped the shots, the pain in my muscles (mainly from my buttocks to my calves) is back with a vengeance. The left leg is the worst. The pain around my knee is excruciating and the pain radiates down my whole leg, left and right sides, same spots. But as stated the right side is the worst. It is extremely painful when I poke or press my muscles down my thighs to my calves. And don t know if this is related, but when I press the thigh area with my fingers, it feels like tiny pebbles (or lumps) and they are painful as well. I have had Doppler s to check for blood clots as my work causes me to sit for prolonged periods. These test were negative. Is this normal for Fibromyalgia or Tendinitis?