Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagic
I will keep a possibility of
tinea corporis/
fungal infection.
For confirmatory diagnosis of fungal infection a KOH preparation can be made from the scale to look for fungal elements (hyphae) under the microscope.
Fungal infections usually present as annular or round, red, scaly patches. Itching is subjective in individuals.
Upper inner thighs and abdomen are common sites which can be affected with fungal infection.
Topically you may try an OTC antifungal e.g
clotrimazole 1% cream, twice daily for a duration of 2-4 weeks.
However, extensive involvement such as in your case would respond better to Oral antifungals in addition to the topical antifungals. Oral antifungals are prescription drugs.
If this
rash does'nt respond as expected to topical antifungals alone you may visit a
dermatologist for a review as well as appropriate prescription.