I have had a sleep disorder since 2002.It started after living in a severly mold infested apartment.I have no doubt I was traumatised by this.I spent 9 years with a phycologist.I have been on many of the well known anti depressants.Over the years,I relied on Ambian CR for my sleep accompanied by anti deprssants.I took myself off these meds several years ago to see if I could restrore normal sleep habits.it seems I do not have the ability to fall asleep for any length of time.Until recently,I would lie awake and wait out the night time hours.I found a phscopharmocologist in Pa when living in Delaware.I was put on Amitripaline and another antidepressant I cant remember.It got me back to a more restful night.The meds caused horriffic constipation.I have had triple stent surgery in 2012 and tacycardia surgery in 2009.After coming back to New York,my old primary care MD took me off of these meds over a several week period.I was put on trazodone to see if it helped.It works but not well.Lately,I have been able to catch what I call power naps.They occur at all different times of the day.They vary in length.While comming off of this Amitrip now,I have a constant dull headache,which is most uncomfortable.Tylenol doesnt help.I have ITP(low platelets)I cant take anythinf else.At the suggestion of my daughter,I want to find another Physcopharmacologist in New York to sort through my problem and hopefully find a cure.