namaskar Sir, I am suffering antral Gastritis, Dr.prescribed on 27.01.2011 Tab.Sompraz-40mg, ganaton-od 150mg and equirex and I am taken these tablets 2 weeks continuely. result is very much better and I am happy.
routine check up I met doctor on 10 Feb,2011, Dr.prescribed a Sompraz-40mg, Morease, Lesuride-OD and Naturolax for two weeks.
from 27.01.2011 to 24.02.2011 my gastricts problem is contolled
again routine check up on 24.02.2011 Dr. prescribed a Bravia-20mg, Naurolox-2tsp, for two weeks now I am taken these tablets I have taken these tablets regularly for three days.
but Now I am suffering again gastricts. symptoms is pain in stomoch at upper part, and I feel some time stomoch is full / empty.
So, whether i take ganaton-od and samproz in that time is very use full to us or I met doctor? please clarify.